Our Approach

It’s all about the people

Privacy and Responsible AI are fundamentally about people. They’re about respecting and protecting human dignity and autonomy, being transparent and giving people some choice and control. We support our clients to measure their activities against their legal obligations, good practice and community expectations, using transparency to build trust.

Privacy and Responsible AI are enablers

We take a risk-based, pragmatic approach to delivering our services. We don’t create barriers, we offer solutions that reflect our clients’ risk appetites, enabling change and innovation.

Trust should be baked in

We apply the principles of Privacy and Trust by Design to our work. Privacy and Responsible AI work best if the issues are considered early, and the solutions are embedded into the design of processes, products or services, delivered in a way that supports business goals, and focuses on the people behind the data.

There’s more to this than the law

Rapid tech change makes it difficult for laws to keep up. We offer a range of frameworks to help our clients stay on track, and we’re always watching the horizon for new privacy and AI issues.

Our Partners

Community Support

We don’t work in a vacuum. We try to work in ways that support our community – professional and public – today and tomorrow.
We work closely with our global professional organisation, to support and empower the privacy profession
The annual Simply Privacy Prize in Information Ethics awards the best student in this important subject, helping to create new privacy leaders
Through the AI Forum, we contribute to the national conversation on AI and support the development of a responsible AI ecosystem