
26 July 2024

Tips for dealing with requests for personal information

One of the trickiest aspects of being a Privacy Officer can be dealing with requests made for access to personal information under Information Privacy Principle 6 (IPP6) of the Privacy Act (or rule 6 of the Health Information Privacy Code for health agencies). This is...

7 July 2023

Data retention and privacy risk

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner has recently highlighted the importance of good data retention practices. The Office released a statement in April 2023, discussing the role of data retention in recent New Zealand data breaches. The statement points to the Latitude Financial Services breach,...

27 April 2023

Privacy by Design, by design

As agencies increasingly adopt more agile and ‘by design’ approaches to product and service design, privacy functions must adapt their approaches to engaging with project teams to effectively influence data practices and outcomes. We've developed some guidance to help privacy professionals and their teams put...

22 October 2021

Getting ready for Privacy Act 2020 – Checklist

The Privacy Act 2020 came into effect on 1 December 2020. We’ve made a checklist of the key things we think organisations should do to get in shape for it: Get your governance settings right Appoint a Privacy Officer, if you haven’t already – it’s...

19 October 2021

Collecting personal information from children – IPP4

The Privacy Act 2020 amended information privacy principle (IPP) 4(b) to require agencies collecting personal information from children or young persons to take particular care to ensure the collection is fair and proportionate. This change reflects overseas approaches, recognising that children may be less aware...